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Getting the most out of your Creative Agency

Nicola Mills

Getting the most out of your creative agency

Looking to employ a creative agency for a new project? Or are you wanting to improve ways of working with your existing design agency? We’ve put together some hints and tips to help you get the most out of the agency you work with.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - the importance of writing a project brief

1. Good things come to those that… write a good brief

Imagine trying to bake a cake without knowing who it’s for and what they like. You might end up baking a rainbow unicorn cake (with extra sprinkles) when what you actually needed was some cheese scones for your uncle’s retirement party. It’s why we need a brief – ideally a written one. We want to know what the project's all about, who the target audience is, what you want to achieve, and when you need it by. Writing it down usually helps clarify it in your mind, as well as communicate it to us. If you aren’t sure where to start, we’re more than happy to chat it through with you and work it out together.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - the importance of relevant sector experience

2. Look for relevant experience

There’s loads of creative agencies out there, all with great credentials, and you might be unsure how to choose who to work with. It’s worth taking a look at what sort of clients the agency has worked with before. If they have experience of working with organisations that are in a similar sector to you, chances are there will be some transferable knowledge they can apply to your project and provide you with a more considered and in-depth approach – as opposed to someone who’s new to the field.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - selecting an agency you like

3. Pick an agency you like

You’re going to be speaking to these guys for a little while, so it’s really worth selecting an agency that you get on with. Can you relate to their values? Do they come across as trustworthy and reliable? Are they good at communicating? Do they have good biscuits? All factors worth considering.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - make the most of your budget

4. Budget? Let us help.

Agreed the brief? Tick. Discussed the deadlines? Tick. And the next question you’re probably expecting to hear is – do you have a budget in mind? It’s not a trick question. The reason we ask is that many projects can be scoped up or down to suit your requirements. If there’s a limit on what you’re able to spend it’s really useful for us to know. That way, we can make sure that any ideas we put forwards are in-line with your expectations – so we don’t suggest a solution that is less or more involved than what you need. And if your budget feels a little limited, we’d rather know up front. Then, we can proactively look at solutions to make the most of it.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - original ideas and concepts

5. Be original

You should expect your agency to produce something that’s original and unique to you. We won’t just copy the market leading competitor - it doesn’t make sense. Whilst we’ll take time to research what’s going on in the rest of the market, we want to know about want to know about you. We want to discover what makes your organisation different to your peers; what’s your story and why are your services or products so awesome? A solution that reflects your business will feel credible and add real value.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - asking for multiple concepts

6. Ask for multiple concepts

Where possible, we always aim to provide you with more than one creative concept. We’ll probably have a preferred / recommended approach, but it’s important for you to be involved in the decision making along the way – after all, it’s your project.

Getting the most our of your creative agency - multi channel marketing approach

7. Choose a multi-channelled approach

The best campaigns utilise more than just one media platform. When starting something new, it’s worth considering the various touch points that your audience will come into contact with, and how you can target them at each. For example, Steve from the accountants might hear about your work via LinkedIn, meet you at a conference, and then visit your website. Susan from the engineering firm might hear about you via a direct mailer, and see your campaign in the industry magazine she reads. There’s a wealth of channels we can utilise to really maximise the reach and impact of your campaign. Whether that be a purely digital campaign, video campaign, print campaign, experiential campaign or event-based campaign. Start with an awesome strategic and creative concept and then look to roll this out across your different touchpoints.


Got a project you’d like to discuss? Give us a shout, we’d love to talk.

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